ends of the nine-ring tail fibrils



The central

tail fibrils extend on through the distal centriole into
the proximal centriole.

The neckpiece contains the greatest concentration of
mitochondrial granules found in the spermatozoan

in addition,





a septal structure which may be the golgi

2 and 3).

The tail sheath is a double membranous structure

surrounding the tail fibrils.
cross section

(Figs. 4,


It is spindle-shaped in

and 6)

had been assumed previously.

rather than round as

The sheath is semipermeable

as evidenced by marked swelling with fixation in hypotonic
Mitochondrial granules are found throughout the length
of the tail between the sheath and the axial filaments
(Fig. 4).

The larger granules are composed of subunits

and are never found with the ring formed by the ring fibrils.
In the tail fibrils evidence of substructure within
each fibril is found in cross sections of the tails


5 and 6).


There is no lateral association between

adjacent fibrils,

the diameters of which are not altered

with changes in osmotic pressure.

Select target paragraph3