eR INSTITUTE eee owision of Cancer Epidemiology and Radiation Epidemiology Branch 6120 Executive Boulevard, Room 7048 Bethesda, MD 20892 412075 Tel: 301.496.6600 Fax: 301.402.0207 U.S. Departmentof Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health July 15, 2010 Ms. Martha DeMarre Nuclear Testing Archive National Security Technologies, LLC P.O. Box 98521 Las Vegas, NV 89193-8521 Dear Ms. Martha DeMarre, Our research group in the Radiation Epidemiology Branch recently completed thefirst comprehensive reconstruction of radiation doses and estimation of cancer risks to the population ofthe Marshall Islands exposed to radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons testing. The work was primarily undertaken to satisfy a request from the U.S. Congress though webelieve it is interesting and potentially useful to the broad audience ofprofessionals interested in radiation and health. The methods and findings ofour analyses were published in Health Physics in August 2010. We believe that you might be interested in these publications and we have enclosed a copy of the issue for you. We hope youfind this publication interesting. Best regards, Sohn LS i. Steven L. Simon, PhD ry yo ge {| tardoeg! f DS LA André Bouville, PhD 10, Ck { i C.