
The imposition of censorship on military

personnel only would be ineffective since a large segment

of Task Force personnel in the operational area are AEC
civilians and contractor personnel.
It would undoubtedly

create a serious’ morale problem among the military person-


Over-all censorship would seriously affect civilian

morale and perhaps result in difficulty in employment of

workers by Holmes and Narver,


The operational phase will be of consid- -

erable length and many people will leave the operational

area before completion of the operation,

After these people

arrive at Hawaii or the ZI, censorhip cannot be enforced.

Commander, Joint Task Force SEVEN has been


The legal complications affecting official

directed by JCS to conduct Operation CASTLE on an austere
Additional personnel would be required to handle the
censorship activity and thus impose a greater logistical burden on the Task Force,
censorship would probably cause undesired publicity and focus
attention to the operation as one of unusual significance,

The receipt of censored personal mail by relatives and friends

would undoubtedly cause speculation as to their activities and
consequently, greater efforts would be made by relatives and

friends to learn more about their activities.


There is no definite assurance that the im-

position of censorship would serve to prevent all breaches of


In view of the foregoing, it is strongly recommended that:

An official release be made jointly by the
AEC-DOD prior to the forward area operations, divulging
as much factual information as possible consistent with
security, and other official releases be made after each
test in the forward area,
The policy of self-censorship of personal’
mail be continued without recourse to official censorship, backed up by.an intensified security indoctrination
and security education and examination program,


Major General, USA

Select target paragraph3