The failure of crater scaling from conventional to nuclear explosions

is believed to result both from the enormous disparity in energy re-

lease (and this also applies between kiloton and megaton nuclear explo-

sions) and also from the important difference in energy partition in the

two types of explosions.
In general it is known that the dimensions of the crater (radius

or depth) are affected or determined by the total energy release, the

depth! of the charge and the character of the medium (earth) in which

the charge is fired.

If these parameters operate independently, then

one.could write an empirical equation in the form

R= f(W) ..f(D,) » f(m)
or in the‘form

R= f(wW) + £(D,) + f(m)
where R is theradius
Wis related to energy release,energy density, and detonation
velocity =.
De is the depth of the charge

mis related to the medium.

In this case the separate contribution of each of the parameters can be

determined easily.

If; however, the parameters are interdependent it

is necessary to use the form ‘=

and the effect of varying any oné.of the parameters is mich more compli-

cated because it depends on the values at which the other parameters
are maintained.

There is general agreement among dnvestigators that the parameters

affecting craters are in fact extensivd]


The universal

use of scaling concepts, particularly
regard to the scaled depth of
charge is evidence in point. Thus, in regardto the effect of energy

release and depth of charge a satisfactory form for the equation is

R=f(W).f(W, Dd), @



or as a more specific example,

R2=WE. £(A,)

where k is approximately 3.



The inclusion of an additional term to

represent the effect of different mediums could be in ‘several forms,


Select target paragraph3