College of Fisheries

November 21, 1973

Mr. Joseph h. Deal
Division of Operational Safety
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
Washington, D.C.
Dear Joe:

I wish to bring to your attention the general and specific interests
of the Laboratory of Radiation Ecology in Rongelap, Bikini and Eniwetok
programs. This subject has been discussed previously by telephone with
Tommy McCraw.

In general, the Laboratory has a continuing interest in ecological
studies related to the former Pacific Test Site and is anxious to participate
in such programs. The scope of our participation in some projects may be
limited by the size of the Laboratory and its commitment to other programs
but with a reasonable lead time, these problems can often be resolved.
In regard to specific programs, Bob Corftdd called today ahd extended
an invitation to send one person from our Laboratory to join his field
party at Rongelap next March-April. We suggested Vic Nelson, providing we
have NVOO approval for the use of Vic on this mission, and Bob approved the

I understand that you have an interest in additional environ-

mental radiation measurements at Bikini and that this may be appended to
Coniigd's Rongelap field trip. Vic could make a significant contribution to
the Bikini field program, also.
If Vic does participate, we would not require supplemental funds except,

perhaps, for per diem expenses and unless there was a large number of samples

for laboratory analyses. To be more specific about this item we would need
to know what the program would be and then discuss the subject with NVOO.

In regard to future programs, we understand that Bob Corftda submitted a
proposal for work beginning in FY75 that includes environmental studies by
others at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Also, we understand from Tommy

that your Division may be looking to our Laboratory for support, especially
in the marine aspects.of the program.
If so, we stand prepared to discuss
this matter or to assist at any time.
With best regards,


Allyn H. Seymour, Director
Laboratory of Radiation Ecology

TIVX: 910-444-2235 / Telephone: (206) 543-4270

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