Robert E. Hiller

at the eite.

July 3, 1969

Be has aa equigment aan in his organisation

who is koowledgeable regarding the type of construction equipment

needed by the Trust Territory in ite agricultural end
commmity construction programs. This man alec knows
whet kind of equipment the Bikiniens are capeble of
operating end mafutaising. Mr. Johnston said he would
send his equipment men to Bikiad ag soon as possibie

after he resched his Baipan Headquarters.


I explained the cont fnuing ARS progres headed by

Br. Robert Conard of Brookheven National Laboratory

wherein he continues to conduct, et least yoarly, wedical exminetions of the netives on Rongelep and Utirik.

Br. Conard has worked closely with the health officials
of the Trust Tarritory and will continua to do go, The
AZC will build @ emall facility on Bikini Islend go
Dr. Conard can exeaaine and monitor the natives on that

At the request of Adairal Mistin I asked Mr. Johnston
if he co l¢ ececmpany Admiral Mustin to the Bikini site
on *ugust 18. The High Cometssicosr repiied he was com
mitted to staying in the Trust Yerritory during the
months of July end August and that be would he glad to

meet Admiral Mustin and his party at Ruejalein on

I plan to a@ccompany the Admiral alao.

Our moeting wes extremely cordial end I feel the general briefing

information es well es the more specific camamts regarding
Bikini Atoll Clean Project vere well received by the High
Commissioner, Colonel Barton is algo writing a summary of the
mecting and submitting it through BOD cheonels.

William A. Bonset

NOTE: (See Paragraph 5 above)

With regard to possible follow-on AEC assistance to the Trust

Territory outside the scope of the cleanup project, I recommend

this subject be explored directly by the AEC with the Trust
Territory. No action will be taken until a request is received
from the Trust Territory.


Col. James Barton, JIF-8
J, Wr Méenritit, Project Enginéér, Bikini

OFFICE p> -.....-.- J_.--R--J.

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Form AEC-318 (Rev. 9-53)


Select target paragraph3