Are miscarriages caused bythe fallout?
Someof the miscarriages in exposed Rongelap women duringthefirst yearsafter
the fallout may have been dueto radiation exposure. Since that time there were
only a few miscarriages and this is normal. Women no longer have to worry about

miscarriages due to radiation.

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Children and women
They are healthy.

If I have trouble with my thyroid, will I be healthy again?
If you are treated properly and you follow the doctor’s advice, you should be
healthy and strong like anybody else. You should be examined every yearso the
doctor can find out if you have thyroid disease. If the doctors operate on yourthvroid, they will give you medicine. If you listen to the doctor and keep taking your
medicine, you will stay strong and healthy.
Since people who were not exposed to fallout have been living on the islands for
some time, have the Brookhaven doctors found any signs of radiation sickness in
them andif so will they be compensated?
Thereis practically no chancethat any of these people will develop any radiation
sickness since the amountofradiation left on the islands is so small. If it did happen
the government probably would consider compensation.




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