41 SS

Upton, New York 11973

Medical Department

(516) 345-3577

November 11, 1977

Mr. Ronald G. Bakal
Attorney at Law

8447 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 409

Beverly Hills, California 90211
Dear Mr. Bakal,

I have received your letter of October 19, 1977, asking for
the reason why Utirik Atoll was not included in the quarterly medical
surveys of June and September.
At the time of the annual survey at Utirik, I was informed by
members of the Council that the people of Utirik no longer wished to
be cared for by Dr. Knudsen.
I pointed out that Dr. Knudsen was the

resident physician (our only physician in the area) and that honoring

this request would mean that Utirik would receive no further medical
attention (other than that provided by the Trust Territory) until the
time of the next annual survey.
However, Dr. Knudsen said that if
the people should invite him to return, he would do so. . The Council

I was recently notified that the Council had reversed its decision
and was willing to accept Dr. Knudsen, but this information was given
too lates te permit inclusion oi Utirik in the September survey. How-

ever, Dr. Knudsen is planning to visit Utirik at the time of the

December survey.


Pld Ge Lome A
Robert A. Conard, M.D.
RAC: gc
cc: Dr. Konrad Kotrady
Ataji Balos
John Heine
Larry Pryor
Glen H. Alcalay

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