As a result of a decision by President Johnson in 1968, the Atoll of
Bikini was the subject of an intensive clean-up effort in 1969 by a

joint AEC-DASA task force.

The task force was responsible for rehabil-

itating the islands of Bikini and Eneu in preparation for the resettlement of the Bikinian people to their home islands.

Radiological Safety

Advisors were provided by the Western Environmental Research Laboratory,
Environmental Protection Agency.

Objectives of the clean-up effort were:

removal of all debris from the islands; determination of existing radiation
levels on each istand; analysis of available food items for radionuclide
distribution; and clearing of vegetation from land for agricultural redevelopment,

Upon completion of these objectives, the islands were turned

over to the Trust Territories for the agricultural phase of the vrogram,
This report describes the radiological conditions detected before, during

and following the clean-up effort.
The highest exposure-rate measured on the islands of Bikini and Eneu was
120 uR/hr.

The mean exposure-rate for the proposed village area on Bikini

was 44 uR/hr.

Integral dose calculations involving theoretical time periods

spent in various areas of the island and on the lagoon and considering
shielding values from coral aggregate in the village area were made.


projected external whole body dose for a person born on Bikini in 1970 and
living there for 70 years would be less than 10 Rad.

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