The island of Bikini is the largest in the atoll, having an area of
about 0.6 square miles and has traditionally been the “home island"
of the Bikinians.
the ocean.

Individual land rights extend from the lagoon to

It is anticipated that the villaae will be rebuilt along

the lagoon shore with community buildings heina located about midway
along the length.
The island was prepared for agricultural redevelopment by cutting parallel
strips through the vegetation along the length of the island.
cut.on 56-foot centers, were approximately 20 feet wide.

The strips,

The vegetative

cover was knocked down and left in place to provide additional organic

matter for the soil.

The strips were surveyed and background gamma

radiation levels recorded at 250-foot intervals along their Jenath,
Figure 2 iltustrates the background variation by depicting the range
and average of radiation measurements for areas consisting of approximately four strips.
Although a large amount of debris was found on Bikini (from testing program and World War II) with one exception, none was radioactive.


pile of roofing paper scraps contaminated primarily with 137Cs was
located northwest of center on the lagoon side of the island.


material, which showed a contact reading of approximately 200 uR/hr,
was loaded into 55-gallon drums and disposed of in the ocean south
of Eneu.

The measured exposure rates were 10 uR/hr or less along the beaches,
and ranged from 20-120 ,R/hr inland.

Soil samples taken at three

Jocations having measured backgrounds of 20, 70, and 100 yR/hr showed

137Cs and ©9Co to be the major gamma enitting contaminants.


were present in Cs/Co ratios of approximately 25/1, 50/1, and 30/1

respectively for the three samples, and thus the projected exposure

rate decrease will very closely approximate the decay of !37Cs.


addition, 99Sr was present in amounts ranging from 10-50% of the 137Cs

Both !37Cs and 99Sr are very significant contributors

to the potential internal exposure which may result from eating locally
grown food items.

Unless indicated as a contact measurement all exposure rate measurements

were taken at 3 feet.






Select target paragraph3