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snails in the 80000 r and 40000r groups, half of the snails in the
20000 r group and 5 of the controls had died, but none died in the
10000 r group.
the controls.

Mortality rates in other groups were similar to
By the end of the month 7 controls had died and

mortalities in other groups were:

20000 r, 5; 10000 r, 0;

5000. r, 13 2500 r, 1; 1000 r, 0; and 500 r, 4. The relatively high
mortality in the 500 r group may possibly be. attributed to rough
handling, as they were the first ones irradiated.
Project X,

Bikini Resurvey of 1948.

In the counting and sample preparation laboratory, periodical counts

were continued of the selected Bikini and Eniwetokplates for
determining rate of decay of the activity.

The preparation of ashed

samples of Bikini and niwetok materials for U.C.L.A. was continued,

The technique of preparing coral samples for counting was changed.
The present procedure is to pulverize the sample with a mortar and
pestle, place about one-half a gram of sample on a plate and cover

with 0.5% solution of Formvare in ethylene dicloride to make sample

adhere to plate.

Results are good.

For the purpose of separating

those samples of low activity from those of background only, a recount

was started of the Bikini fish samples that on first count were only
4 counts or less higher than background,

A check on the ashing

technique used up to the present time indicates that considerable
activity may have been driven off during the process.

Samples in

which acid was not used in preparation gave substantially higher

counts than those prepared by the original method.

This is to be

investigated further.

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Select target paragraph3