Project I#

Basic studies on the effect of I-rays upon“fish‘in various
stages of development.

Sections I and II#
The eggs obtained from the five (5) year old chinock salmon

female, marked A, and R., of the "gontrol® stockcontime to develop


atithe Samish Hatchery, State of Washington Department of Fisheries.
As goon as these eggs develop to the "eyed" stage they will be
transfered to the Applied Fisheries Laboratory, University of Washington,
to contime their development.

A very critical study will be made

of the young fish produced to add to our knowledge of the variations

expected in "control" but possibly inbred stock,
Section XI
Rainbow trout yearlings, females and males, from University of

Washington stock were exposed to 50, 100, 500, 750, 1000, 1500 and/or
2500 r,

A total of 128 yearling (nearly two yeara old) were irradiated

in January 1945.

An additional 20 fish were used as controls,


effect on the offspring of this stock to the exposure to X-rays

prior to their first spawning (Spring of 1945) was described in the
report "Some effects on embryos and young rainbow trout (Salmo
gairdnerii Richardson) from exposing the parent fish to X-rays"



“Project and sectionmmbers refer to the Project Chronology Chart and

Summary OrFL93
revised March dl, 1948.

Select target paragraph3