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field testing. We submit then to your ofiiye for consideration and con=

If your office approves of these propcsals it is recommended

that they be forwarded to the D.3.M. for tnreir consideration.

If there

is an interest expressed by D.B.I’. in these projects, I will then submit
to your office a formal proposal including the necessary budget and
persennsl requirements according to the established routine for processing field testing projects.
Concerning personnel required for these or other projects I feel we

could use Federal Civil Defense selected qualified persennel in addition
to other A.E.C. contractcr personnel.

I am sure that adequate training

could be given which would satisfy the requirements which the agency may

have established for thair "key" field representatives and at the same
time our commitments could be acccmplished.

This item can be developed

in detail if it is in accord with existing agency policies.

From our

point of view, it would mean we would not be wasting the efforts put into

indoctrination and training which has been necessary for the type of
program we have had in the pest.

Last spring thirty-two military service

enlisted personnel were required to fill the program's quota.

I feel —

that the three weeks spent in training these perconnel was wasted effort
in over ninsty per cent of the cases, as far as sny continued benefits to
the country is ceneerned since these men are not now available to any
group having continuity.


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Select target paragraph3