red blood cell membrane are at a slower rate insickle celis t han in

normal celis,

The alkaline phosphatase in sickle cell anemia

significantly higher than that in normal plasma.

blasma is

Initial studies on

phosphate transfer using metabolic inhibitors indicate the abs nee of a
certezin enzyme from the sickle cell anemia blood.

‘One of the

ficant observations of this group on the problem is that one ©

pretein components of the plasma has a different mobility as
by electrophoresis.

This finding is being investigated furth

additional electrophoresis eouipment and under varying experi

ost signithe
ntal con-

This work complements other investigations in which the
of hemoglobin in Sickie cells is found to be cifferent from t

obin part
t+ of nor-

mat cells.

Shielding Studies. (UNCLASSIFIED)

‘The problem of providil he adequate

shielcing for persennel protection in ecuipnent designed for r aGiation
sources must be coupled with that of eccnomies in operation.
energy ranges, shielding is not an expensive factcr.

However in the use

of higher intensity radiations, the problem of personnel prote
volves Ahigh expenditures,

ror lower

btion in-

This preblem is being investigated finder a

econperative project with the Natienal Bureau of Standards to ¢


design factors of various types of equipment: in which savings

right be

realized, and at the same time tc determine with greater accur Foy the.

Select target paragraph3