Dr. Gustafson reported that the radiological resurvey of Bikini Atoll
consisted vf taking numerous radiation exposure measurements, and collecting
representative samples of the prominent plant and animal species (including
fish and birds).

Particular efforts were made to sample those items likely

to be consumed as food by the returning Bikinians.
were used to measure radiation dose rate.

Severai Kinds of devices

Confirmation of dose rate by more

than one instrument increased reliabilit,, and the field y-ray epectrome try
provided detailed information on the radionuclide composition of the
The island of Bikini was surveyed most extensively.

The former village

was located here, and remains the most desirable Location for permanent

The beach area, village site,

and selected transects across the

middie and both ends of the island were surveyed for radiation levels.


dose rate at or near the beaches was lowest due to leaching and wash off of

(.v 10uR/hour).

Radiation levels were comparable to those found in the U. 5.

Higher levels (roughiy swice to three times beach values)

were present in the interior (densely overgrown) regions with some hot spots.
A sizable area was cleared of vegetation,

Other measurements indicated rudioactivity to be present in the



and dose rates remained cssentialiy

Hence one may conclude that as the shieiding effect of plant

is removed, the dose from ground deposition compensates for the

removal of radioactivity in plant material.
would be cleared of underbrush; hence,
Plowing under,

Under habitation, the islands

the plant source will be removed.

or otherwise burying the tcp iayers (inch or so) of soil

Select target paragraph3