


. UWFL-42. A Radiological Study of Rongelap Atoll,
Marshall Islands, During 1954-55. Applied Fish-

eries Laboratory, Lauren R. Donaldson, Director,
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington,

August 15, 1955.

. UWFL-43. Radtobiological Resurvey of Rongelap
and Atlinginae Atolls, Marshall Islands, October—
November, 1966. Staff of the Applied Fisheries
Laboratory, University of Washington, Beattle,
Washington, December 30, 1955.
. USNRDL-454. Residual Contamination of Plants,
Animals, Soil and Water of the Marshall Islands
One Year Following Operation Castle Fallout.

Rinehart, R. W., Cohn, 8. H., Seiler, J. A.,

Shipman, W. H., Gong, J. K., U. 8. Naval
Radiologica! Defense Laboratory, San Francisco
24, California, August 12, 1955.
. USNRDL-455. Residual Contamination of Plants,
Animals, Soil, and Waiter of the Marshall Islands
Two Years Following Operation Castile Fallout.
Weiss, H. V., Cohn, 8. H., Shipman, W. H., Gong,
J. K., U. 8. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco 24, California, August 15,

. NRDL Marshall Island Resurvey—1956 Results of
Analyses Performed at HASL. Laboratory Report 56-7. Hardy, E. P., and Collins, W. R.,


. Rongelap Survey, October 1955, Results of Analyses
Performed at HASL. Laboratory Report 56—4.
Hardy, E. P. and Hamada, G. H., March 5, 1956.
. To be published by Applied Fisheries Laboratory,
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
. The Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Human Beings.
Cronkite, E. P., Bond, V. P. and Dunham,C. L.
(Editors), U. 8. Government Printing Office,

. Private communication, Dr. Stanton Cohn, NRDL,
to Dr. Gordon M. Dunning, Division of Biology
and Medicine, U. 8. Atomic Energy Commission,
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10. NYO-4656. Operation Troll. Harley, John (Editor) Office of Technical Services, U. 8. Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C.,
April 1956.
11. UWFL-46. Survey of Radioactivity in the Sea Near
Bikint and Entwetok Atolls, June 11-21, 1956.
Donaldson, L. R., Seymour, A. H., Held, E. E.,
Hines, N. O., Lowman, F. G., Olson, P. R.,
Welander, A. D., Applied Fisheries Laboratory,
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington,
July 23, 1956.

12. Medical Examination of Rongelap People Siz Months
After Exposure to Fallout. (Addendum Report
Project 4.1A) Bond, V. P., Conrad, R. A., Robertson, J. J. and Weden, E. A., April 1955.
Naval Medical Research Institute and U. 8.
Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory.
Twelve Months Posterposure
13. BNL-384 (T-71).
Survey on Marshallese Exposed to Fallout Radiation, Cronkite, E. P., Dunham, C. L., Griffin,
D., McPherson, §. D., Woodward, K. T., Brookhaven Nationa) Laboratory, August 1955.
14, Medical Survey of Marshallese Two Years Post
Exposure ot Fallout Radiation. Conard, R. A.,
Cannon, B., Huggins, C. E., Richards, J. B.,
Lowery, A., Brookhaven National Laboratory,

BNL 412 (T-80), September 1956.

15. “Strontium-90 in Man.” Kulp, J. Laurence,
Eckelmann, Walter R., and Schulbert, Arthur
R., Science, February 8, 1957, Vol. 125 No.

3241, P. 219-225.




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