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December 18, 1964 (U. S. N. PBM No. £2471).
Applied Fisheries Laboratory, Dr. Lauren R.
Donaldson, Director, Dr. Edward E. Held, Mr.
Paul R. Olson, and Dr. Jared Davis, entomologist on loan to the Applied Fisheries Labora-

tory, from General

Electric, Radiological

Sciences, Aquatic Biology Group, Richland,
Mr. Robert Rinehart and Mr. Paul Zigman,
NRDL, accompanied the expedition.

January 25-80, 1955 (U. S. Navy O. G. “Rio
U. S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory: Robert W. Rinehart, Evan C. Evans
Ill, Joseph K. Gong, George M. Neuffer, Lt.
Gg) USNR, and William G. Murray. Applied
Fisheries Laboratory: Dr. Allyn H. Seymour
and Dr. Frank G. Lowman.
October 21-28, 1955 (L. S. T. 664).
Applied Fisheries Laboratory, Dr. Allyn H.
Seymour, Dr. Edward E. Held, Dr. Kelshaw
Bonham and Dr. Frank G. Lowman.
November 7, 1955 (U. 8S. Navy PBM 612).
Applied Fisheries Laboratory, Dr. Allyn H.
Seymour and Dr. Edward E. Held.
February 7-14, 1986.

U. S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory: Dr. Edward R. Thompkins, Evan C.
Evans III, William T. Pflueger, Capt. USA,
Joseph K. Gong, and Walter L. Milne. U.S.
Geological Survey, Department of Interior:
Dr. F. R. Fosberg.
July 28-24, 1956 (U. S. Navy Gruman Albatross).
Applied Fisheries Laboratory: Dr. Lauren R.
Donaldson, Mr. Paul R. Olson and Dr. Arthur
D. Welander.
The processing of the material and analyses
of the data at the Applied Fisheries Laboratory
were shared by the following staff members:
Dr. Lauren R. Donaldson, Director, Allyn H.

Seymour, Mary Ash Baird, Kelshaw Bonham,
Grace C. Brewer, Simeon T. Cantril, Marion L.

Chase, Edward E. Held, Neal O. Hines, Frank

G. Lowman, Paul R. Olson, Ralph F. Palumbo,
Dorothy South and Arthur D. Welander.

At the U. S. Naval Radiological Defense

Laboratory: Mr. R. W. Rinehart, assisted by
Mr.John A.Seiler and Mr. William H. Shipman

were responsible for laboratory analysis of
samples and evaluation of data in 1955, and

were joined in this work in 1956 by Dr. Herbert
V. Weiss. In addition to his field participation,

Mr. Gong was responsible for preparation of
samples and evaluation of data in 1955 and was
joined in this work by Mr. Milne in 1956. Dr.
Minoru Honma, Maurice J. Brau, HN, USN,
and Phillip Simone, HM3, USN, assisted in
the 1956 analytical determinations. Mr. William Murray performed the photographic
services in 1955. During both years, Captain
Albert R. Behnke (MC) USN, served as
scientific advisor; Dr. Stanton H. Cohn as
senior investigator for planning of the field
trips and for analysis of biological data; Mr.
Paul E. Zigman, as senior investigator for
planning and analysis of chemical data. The
divers that assisted in the 1956 survey were Lt.
P. L. Schlegel, USNR, of Underwater Demolition Team 11, and Q. D. Dennison, QM1,
USN, of Underwater Demolition Team 12,
both of U. S. Naval Amphibian Base, Coronado,

The general concepts of Operation Troll were

discussed at an ad boc meeting in Washington,
D. C., on January 12, 1955. The following
were present: Dr. A. C. Vine, Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institute, Dr. J. Isaacs, Scripps

Institution of Oceanography, Dr. T. Folsom,

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Mr. F.
Jennings, Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
Dr. J. Smith, Office of Naval Research, Mr. J.
Kane, Office of Naval Research and Mr. H. D.
LeVine, Health and Safety Laboratory, AEC.

The detailed planning was worked out among

Mr. J. Smith and Mr. J. Kane of the Office of
Naval Research, Dr. Warren S. Wooster of
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Mr.
Howard Brown and Dr. Willis R. Boss of the


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