NEPCSITORY doz L 2ASO COLLECTION DokZMv.V Biomediva! & b DI oL VE FY Os? / q 7F GEVERKL C ORMESponDEN Director Department of Energy Pacific Area Support Office P. 0. Box 29939 Honolulu, HI 96820 Dear Bill: A . { INIT ME Atti Attri - R Admin, Assistant PROJECT ENGINEER ae ADMINISTRATIVE OFF. PROGRAMLIAISON OFF. fir. W. J. Stanley 4 Ebvironmental BAGOBOOTINGnBLlP December Tks 36° aOX Ne. FOLDER LAWRENCELIVE MORE LABORATORY SEND COPY TO: Hétice HttantePRE IST, REP. a Lata oy “FAV fp TEA: 2 TAGT. REPL oy, ——— i _ p REMRS, I've been very negligent in writing detailedtri operations aboard the Liktanur this past year. orts aboutour One is easily lulled into a state of canplacency when there is nothing to complain about and it is easy to outright forget, when other matters require attention, that it 1s just or more important to praise an excellent performance as it is to condemn a poor performance. Therefore, by this letter, I wish to provide you my independent evaluation of the operations aboard the Liktanur; the hospitality and cooperation extended to our group by the crew; and the adaquacy of the vessel in support of our efforts this past year. During 1979 we scheduled 3 cruises aboard the Liktanur to conduct a variety of oceanographic and groundwater studies at Bikini and Enewetak Atolls. During the pericds 3-27 April, 14-22 June, and 19-26 October, 140 man-days of our effort were expended in the field on the following aquatic studies: 1) Sediment sampling program -- over 250 samples of lagoon surface sediment were collected from Bikini and Enewetak during the year. The purpose for the collections were (a) to document the present sediment concentra- tions and distributions of radionuclides and to compare these to concentrations and distributions measured in 1972 to assess what, if any, radiological changes have occurred in the Janoon during these intervening years, (b) to determine what modifications in lagoon sediment composition have occurred as a result of man's activities at the atolls; the previous compositional study for comparison was conducted by Emery in the early 1950's before the major nuclear tests were held at the atolls, (c) to document, by way of photographs, a description of the sediment types, composition and benthic organisms over the entire lagoon. Our previous work has shown that transuranics and other radionuclides are mobilized from the sedimentary deposits to the overlying water column where they are subsequently mixed in the lagoon water mass and are exchanged to the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Unversity of Cahiornia BD Bow S507 weer, Catlomia Te 94550 cAonne 415) 422-5758 ef PN Tr i ea OIG) 236 Bias o . ‘ "34 DOELLL 1A