Oe eat nnesteree te atesi aimee, been. sarrecnucu wy o we. | o£ the matrix has been covereday. dD: concrete cap (pnow- grapa. attacked). oo. . 7 The: Cnited States is about to retarn- tha: atoll to the. pe le of Enewetak, and 0.5. resporsibil ity for. the srnuee Tersitory of the Pacifie*is: achedsled to be terninated ia oe Of Snevetak and the Narshallese Governzent with a competent, a 1581. Jt in Secortant for the: 5.5,. to:provide the Fecoie: obgective radiatien safety ascessnent of this containzent. NationaL and international sensitivities about radiation a . whee! Be - fajory ond radicactive waste disposal make this a aptter . ae of Sreat significance. Ax. Departsent of Defense (DoD). Project Manager for the Enewetak radioicgical cleanup operation, I request that the Hational Acadeny of Sciences assess the effectiveness of. the Cactus crater structure ia preventing harnrul amounts of rodioactivity £re2 becozing availobie for internal or Ae . _. external busan exposure, ani recoanend whether the assess- Y ment shouid be reviewedat intervais ia the future. E foel the ational Acodeny of Eclences is the only organization copeble of making an effective assessment, for- two reaccngr BEST COPY AVAILABLE Le -