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Identifying topics for discussion with LLL during rest of the day.


The document should stop at dose assessment,

i.e., it should not make

comparisons with guidelines.


Will there be a document that indicates what the cleanup actually


in terms of reducing radionuclide

Expressed his general concern about inadequate

LLL Scientists Arrive:


discussion of

aspects in the draft report.

Robison, Mount, Phillips, and Clegg

Robison handed out the following:
(a) Historical

and Cultural Background

of the People of Enewetak

written by Bob Kiest (U. of Hawaii).
(b) Revised pages 8 and 9 of the LLL post cleanup dose assessment.
(c) Memos dated May 15 and 23, 1979 from Michael
Robison and Mitchell

Pritchard to

regarding the Ujelang diet survey.

(d) Two summary tables of diet survey information.
(e) Revised Appendix A to dose assessmnt

report (external doses).

Robison gives a review and update

A 12 oz. coke can was used to indicate
of a given food do you eat?”

foc~ intake - “how many cans worth

How frequently would you eat that much in

This information was extrapolated


to a month and year basis.

150 people (=25% were interviewed.

adult males were summarized
Next they summarized

The diet results for

first (this went into the first draft).

the kid diets, then the females.

It turns out

that adult females eat more than adult males (according to the diet

Hence, the female diet rather than the male diet is limiting.

Based on casual observation

by LLL scientists,

it is reasonable to

believe that Enewetak females eat more than males (they are fatter and
get less exercise).

The gram intakes estimated

from the diet survey

seem reasonable.


Select target paragraph3