
last week in Washington,

DC, with Bikini people.

They will get


their own advisors (perhaps from Japan) to review the radiological

Ted Mitchell

Rongelap, and Utirik people)

(Counselor to the Enewetak,

Ted asked Wachholz for the present draft of the LLL post cleanup
dose assessmnt.

He or his consultants

meeting of the Advisory Group.

also wanted


to attend this

did not give him the

present draft because it is in too rough a form and quite incomplete.
Ted felt it would he~p avoid a lack of confidence
present LLL draft.

DOE is discussing

if he got the

the possibility

of providing

a later, more complete LLL report to Ted, the same one that will be

to other government


On June 13 a cable from Ted Mitchell to Clusen was received.

He wants

a dose assessment conference during late July or August to discuss
e full report on radiological

status of Enewetak Atoll,


latest dose assessments,

risk evaluations,


possible resettlement schemes,


master plan for development,


discussion of dose assessment methods.

A second cable from Mitchell was received June 20.
a Sept. 18-25 meeting to discuss the feasibility
on Enjebi island.
to be availableto

He requested

of resettlement

He wants the LLL dose assessment

July 15 report

anyone who would like to see it.

A return cable from DOE to Mitchell will be sent explaining
DOE can’t meet with them during September


18-25 due to prior corrunitments.

Charter for Advisory Group

There is no charter at the present time.

o Chet Richmond called Wachholz several times this month urging a
charter be developed.
s Wachholz admits he just hasn’t got to that job due to other
pressing items.

Select target paragraph3