in manganese
ngelapese food
vse. The aversupplies 0.003p and Scoular,

ngelapese food

vobale content,
xeriments with

Mimum copper

ag daily.


(19351 is 1-2
iet is detinitely

muni requiree diet appears
the minimum
-d by the Nasleton (1939)
intake of zinc
sod appears to
mtent, and on

0 and zine-45

her and with
This is to be

are found priis

ere local fruit
‘gher levels of
with higher
ut contributes
nus the most.

laily intake of
| tor calcium
take in terms
rm¢ Cay is
is about three

times that of previous estimates ( Dunning,

1957: Cohn ef af... 1960). Those estimates

were based on an estimated daily intake of
0.8 vy of calcium, or about three times the
value reported here. Thus. the significant
ditference between this and previous values
reflects a discrepancy between observed aud
estimated calcium intake. It is not svithin:
the scope of this report to enter ito an
estimation of body burden, which has been
discussed in detail by Cohn et ad. (1960).

Flowever, it is of interest to uote that the

body burden ay estimated trom urinalysis

data (Woodward cf ul, 1930) and discussed

hy Cohn ts consistent with a discrimination
factor of four and oa daily intake of about
100) pac Sr’? og caletum. This would indicate either that the discrimination factor is
greater than four or that these samples do
not correctly represent daily caletum intake.
In any case, it is ubvieus that continued

study of Sc’? movement at Rongelap Atoll
ty Hecessary.

Rations containmy the higher levels ot

zine-63 also contain the higher levels of
stable zinc, indicating that local sea ioods
may be the main source of zine in the diet.
Cesium-137, strontium-90, and cobalt-00
show no definite correlation with potassium,

calcium, and cobalt, respectively, indicating
that these elements are in large measure
supplied from imported foods.

With the current means of sanitation—pit

toilets and burial of garbage—on Rongelap
and Eniaetok Islets there must be a net ad-

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ater and marie organisms,

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we Se”, g Ca

48 + 106.3

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vsis of some trace clements in

export and import records.

43m 122.3

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Select target paragraph3