

October 10,

Page 7

21 Sep to 5 Oct 1979



Also talked to them about lease agreements.
They want to know
the status of the $80 yearly payment.
I said it was sent in

June of each year to office of High Commissioner in Saipan.

We don't have control of the money when it,reaches there.

Promised them that we would look into it and try to provide an
answer by January medical trip.
Dr. Pratt mentioned that he
may be interested in using one or more of the buildings for
future medical trips.
Andy Krotoski and the Marshall's attendant worked after 2030

and saw over 40 dental patients.

October 3 - Saw one man in morning on ship with reference to
per diem claim.
However, his child was not on exposed list and
therefore no per diem money was authorized.
He said Harry Brown
paid other claims where the attendant was exposed but the patient
(usually a child) was not.
I asked him for names and he gave

me two.

‘Went to Utirik in afternoon and met with Irojirik, Alap and
council about Butler Buildings.
Told them we were trying to get
as much information as possible and we should have answer by


They were also concerned that they had not received

any lease payment since 1965.

I told them that the lease pay-

ments went to Saipan and we didn't know where they went after
We are going to look into that also.
Came back to ship
about 1500.
' October 4 - Pratt made an unscheduled trip to island at 0815
to pick up some handicraft.
He became angry with the crew because
he skinned his knee getting into the whaler at Utirik.
Jan Kocian had notified everyone that they would be removing the
barges early in the morning, but Pratt did not give any advanced
warning of his trip.
The crew removed the barrels from one barge
because they were rusted out and put the platform on the ship to

return to Kwajalein.

The ship got underway at 0900.
The ship bumped the bottom going
out the Utirik pass due to extremely low tide.
Monroe and Jan
put on scuba gear after leaving the pass and checked the hull.

There was no damage.
October 5.

The ship docked at Kwajalein at 0900



Director, USDOE/PASO
General Manager, H&N/PTD

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