I arrived in duam on the 3ist of Marah, a few hours after “Mr, Rucker,
the Deputy High Coaamissioner for the Trust Territory, had returned

from the States.

I was able to have a visit with hin, in which we

discussed things generally, particularly with respect to the retin

of the natives and the possibility that one could really rely onthe
to comply with any limitations on activity or eating habits which

might be required. Unfortunately, “Mr. Tobin, the anthropologist, was
off on another atoll, so I was unable to discuss the matter with hin,
nor had “rr. Sucker been able to discuss it with hin, It was obvious
that ‘tr. Tucker would lean very heavily on Tobin's estimate of the

In the evaning I had visits with De. H. E. MacDonald, the Fublic
Health Sffioer for the “igh Commissioner, He turned cut to be a
highly intelligent ex-neurosurgeon from Sosten, who along with
br. Jaffee, the dantist, promised to zet ug some testh as they becme
available from the Rongelapese and Utirikians. Dr. Jaffee had just

cone from Utirik and reported those people as being 100% healthy,

happy, and very active,

Ye said that contrary te the tins prior to

March 1, 195l, when these pecple were a Little on the shabby sido,
they now had the neatest and best policed comumity in the “Marshall




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