For comparison with

cesium-137 levels,

value for each collection is given in Table 1.

the average potassium

The average potassium

value for all samples was 13.05 mg/g with a standard deviation of 3. 66.
The range in values was 2.96 to 21.2 mg K/g dry weight, but 83 per
cent of the 30 samples analyzed fel) in the range of 10 to 15 mg K/g dry

The two lowest values of 2.96 and 3.48 mg K/g dry weight ap-

pear to be completely out of line.
samples gave essentially the

Repetition of the analysis of these

same results and no explanation for the

disparity is offered.
A significant difference in potassium levels associated either with
island or season of collection is not apparent (March falls in the dry
season and August in the wet season).

Nor is there any correlation be-

tween potassium and cesium-137 levels at any one island.

In this regard,

the data should not be pooled since it has been established that there are

differences in cesium-137 levels from island to island.

The regression of

cesium-137 on potassium in the crab muscle, as determined in the largest
Sample from Kabelle Island,

indicated no relation between these elements.

Cesium-137 levels have been reported as cesium units, micro microcuries of cesium-137 per gram of potassium ( U. S. AEC reports


This unit is based on metabolic similarity of cesium and potas-

sium and is used to facilitate
in a



Libby (1956).




comparison of different types of materials





adopted by

Anderson, Schuch, Fisher and Langham (1957) have used ge

Select target paragraph3