equipment consisted of a three-inch thallium-activated scdium iodide
crystal used in conjunction with a 256-channel analyzer with digital
print out.

The total

counts per minute under the photopeak were cal-

culated by summing counts per minute of all channels included in the
peak and subtracting the background counts.

The counting efficiency

for the gamma energy measured was determined by calibrating the instrument with a cesium-137 standard with an error of +t 10 per cent.
The factor used for converting counts per minute to disintegrations per

minute was derived from the counting efficiency and from the fraction
of the disintegrations giving rise to the gamma radiation being counted.
The factor used for cesium-137 - barium-137 was 18.0.


descriptions of the counting equipment and standardization procedures

used have been given by Lowman et al’ (1958) .

The individual values for potassium and cesium- 137 in Birgus
muscle collected at Rongelap Atoll and Utirik Island are presented in
Table 1.

Average values and their standard deviations for each col-

lection also are given.
The levels of cesium-137 found in individual samples ranged between 731 d/m/g dry weight at Kabelle Island,

Rongelap Atoll,

28 d/m/g dry weight at Utirik Island, Utirik Atoll.


The individual




Select target paragraph3