Radiocesium and stable potassium levels were determined

in samples of muscle tissue of Birgus latro,

the coconut crab,

collected at Rongelap Atoll, Marshall Islands, during March and
August,1958, and March 1959, and at Utirik Atoll in March 1959.
Levels of cesium-137 ranged between


Kabelle Island, Rongelap Atoll,

d/m/g dry weight

Utirik Island, Utirik Atoll.


The average potassium value for

all samples was 13.05 mg/g dry
ation of 3.66.

and 28

d/m/g dry weight at

weight with a standard devi-

No significant correlation between cesium-137 and

potassium levels was found.

There was no significant difference

in the average levels of cesium-137 in crabs collected at different
times at the same island.

Select target paragraph3