tro SES. 1.45


8 Nevenber 1952

VAsston Deport WeO.22+1 Meverher 1952 We


yall signs used ty sirereft involved in this rtcsicn
2 Si-16's
2 S2-25's

Suger Cne and Tyo
Sugar Thrze and Four

2 F-84's

Pesble Red Three erd Four

(TDY frem Flight "al, Lith air Beg Sq)


In accordance with Joint Task Group 132.4 Cpersiicns rlen

2-52 (suin-7), tuo (2) S4-16 and two (2) 53-29 aircraft were sent to

orbit points in the Eniswetck area.

In pursuing the distressed F-84, Pebble Red Four, it wes
necessery for SA-16, AF 1016, Sugar Cne, to fly through the radioactive
cloud. The Radiological Safety Konitors at Mvajalein found 1016 to be
sufficiently radioactive to be parked in an isolated area on Itwajalein
for five (5) days before attexpting decontamination. it is presently

anticipated that Sa-16, 1016, will be safe for flying not later then
8 Koverber 1952, The crew of SA-16, 101¢, sas ex csed to from ten (10)
to seventeen (17) Roentgens and rill not be able to participate in ary
future flights or projects involving radioactivity for at least one


After lending et Ewajalein, S3-29, «F 0119, Suzer Three,

was found to be radioactive. After a scrubbing and rinse, the cre. of
S229, 0119, was free of radioactivity. AF 0119 ris allowed to "cool"
, for three days before it wes free of redlogctivity. aF CLG is rev in
esreission end flyable.


Select target paragraph3