Internal lrradiation

The Rongelap people lived under conditions of severe radioactive conta-

mination of their island for two days following the accident until they were
evacuated from their island. This wasreflected in significant absorption of radioactive materials, from inhalation ingestion of contaminated food and water.
Radiochemical urine analyses during the first 24 days showed internal levels of

isotopes which were roughly estimated as follows in microcuries: Lodine!#!~®°,

6.4; Strontium*", 1.6; Barium!", 2.7: rare earths, 1.2; and smaller amounts of

Cesium!, Strontium™, and Ce-Pr!'. Radioiodine probably delivered a dose of

100—150 rep to the thyroid glands of the people but absorption of radioisotopes
was too small to result in any apparent acute effects. Rapid diminution of body

levels of these isotopes occurred so that by six months urinary activity was

barely detectable by gros counting methods.

Only the indirect method for estimating the body burden based on urinary

excretion rates was available until two years ago when a direct method of
measuring body levels of gamma emitting isotopes becamepossible through the

Fig. 9: Steel room used for gamma spectroscopy

Select target paragraph3