The dose limits issued by ICRP are recommended as the basic
guidance for control of exposures to individuals at Eniwetok.


is recommended with provisos that:

The full amount of the numerical values should not be used for
allowable exposures from a single man-made source, in this
case radioactivity iroin weapons tests.

This is applied so that

the Eniwetok people will not be denied benefits of future nuclear
technology because they are receiving exposures from man-made
radiation to levels of acceptable standards.
Environmental and medical followup surveys and studies are

performed such that the full range of radiation exposures of
individual members of the Eniwetok population will be known.
(ICRP) “does not contemplate measurement of individual exposures. )

Exposures are kept as low as practical.

It is recommended in this context that:

A limit of 50 percent of the ICRP dose limits for individuals
be used.

This assumes (because of the small population size

and the planned medical and environmental followup) that the
range of annual exposure levels for persons receiving the
higher exposures will be known.

Gonads, red bone marrow
Skin, bone, thyroid
Hand, and forearms; feet
and ankles

Other single organs

The following values apply:

0.25 rem/yr

1.50 rem/yr (0.75)
rem/yr, childrens thy roid
3.75 rem/yr

0.75 rem/yr

A limit for gonadal exposure of the population be 5 rems in 30

This is based on the genetic dose coming primarily

from 137 esium that has a radiological half-life of 30 years.

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Select target paragraph3