In addition, the committee addressed the charter of the Advisory Group and the possibility of a visit by the Advisory Group to Eniwetok. Background Comments At Dr. Liverman's request, five members of the Advisory Group participated in a review of the plans for cleanup of Eniwetok Atoll on August 15-17, 1977. They concurred with the EIS's minimal and mandatory cleanup levels of 40 pCi/g soil and 400 pCi/g, respectively. This con- currence was based on the presentation of data indicating that the proposed EPA guidance levels of 1 mrad/year to lung and 3 mrad/year to bone would not be exceeded. Subsequent to the August 15-17 review no information was provided to the members of that review group or to the members of the newly formed Advisory Group until two days before the April 13-14, 1978 meeting when the Advisory Group received copies of the Lawrence Livermore draft report. This was the first indication to the Advisory Group that the data base in the EIS was being chalienged. Thus, the Advisory Group was no better informed for this meeting than the review committee was last August. Also, one of the Advisory Group who was present and two of those unable to attend did not have the benefit of the information presented at the August meeting, although all members have knowledge of the Eniwetok activity from other sources. Because of this it was necessary to spend the first day of the meeting for a briefing of the Advisory Group by DOE, LLL and DNA staff. On the second day the Advisory Group met with General Tate and Colonel Treat and then with Roger Ray to gain an under- Standing of DOE and DNA needs and problems. The briefing and discussion with DOE and DNA staff identified a number of other issues.