COLIN A. MAWSON, prior to his retirement, was head of the envir
research branch of Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd.
He specialjzed
in trace metal physiology, radioactive waste management, and

environmental monitoring.

He received his 8.8. in 1929, M.S§

1930, and Ph.D. (physiology) in 1933 from Manchester Univers
He is a member of the National Academy of Sciencds
Committee on Radioactive Waste Management.


WILLIAM F. MERPITT, prior to his retirement from the Chalk River
of underground radioactivity monitoring of hazardous waste

ment areas, including subsurface and surface water and soil.

head of the radiochemical analysis laboratory specializing
activation analysis for the environmental sampling programs [rain~
fall, snowfall, gas collection). He has a B.S. in chemistryland



FRANK L. PETERSON is in the Department of Geology and yacope the

University of Hawaii. He received his B.A. in 1963 from Cor
University and his M.S. in 1965 and Ph.D. in 1967 from Stanf
University. He specializes in groundwater geology including

flow and groundwater stoop in coastal and insular regions;
Glyben-Herzberg lens dynamics; occurrence of and exploration [for
groundwater; land subsidence; and, a broad range of engineering
geology problems.

JOHN H. WIGGINS, Jr., a registered civil engineer in the State o
fornia, is president of the J. H. Wiggins Company. He recei
B.S. in physical sciences in 1953 from Stanford University,
M.S. in geophysics in 1955-from St. Louis University, and a §h.D.
in civil engineering in 1961 from the University of Illinois
specializes in risk and failure analysis and the study of t

logical side effects with regard to their impact on the socigl,
legal, and economic areas and has written over 25 technical gapers.

He currently is a member of the Advisory Board on the Built
Environment of the National Academy of Sciences.

ALFRED A. YEE, a registered structural engineer, was President: o
Alfred A. Yee and Associates and currently is head of AlfredJA. Yee
Division of Leo A. Daly Company.
He received a B.S. in civil]
engineering in 1948 from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Jand

his M.S. in 1949 from Yale University.

He specializes in al!

aspects of design and construction, including housing, offic
buildings, laboratories, pier and wharf structures, towers,

and theaters; he pioneered the art of composite construction
with prestressed precast concrete units and developed his degign
concept involving redistribution of moments and plastic hingds.
He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1974.

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