primary consumers) were found to be 0.57 +0.61 and 0.15 +0.16 poi/kg

(wet), respectively.
(Considerably higher values are measured n the
stomach contents, the viscera, and the liver.)
In order to put such concentrations into perspective it she 1d be
noted that a daily consumption of as much as 1 kg of fish could exceed
the current International Commission on Radiclogical Protectio
recommended limit for plutonium ingestion only if the fish had 5 plu-

tonium concentration of 10,000 pCi/kg (Penreath 1980).
Robison and co-workers (1980) have made a detailed study off


potential radiological doses for Enewetak residents. ‘Their estiims
for the potential doses frcu marine foods are based on Noshkin'B
people were on Ujelang.

They estimate that the mean daily intake of

transuranics from seafood for an adult female will be 0.50 pCi

23942905 and 0.12 pCi ?°'aAm. According to their dose assessme
model, this results in an estimated bone marrow dose of 0.26 mrbm/year,

which is approximately 1 percent of the annual dose from the

radiation in the Marshall Islands.

5.6 Breachment

A number of possible failure modes might resuit in breaching

and human-related activities such as vandalism.
Each of these
modes was considered, but only the first two, storm wave and


activity and foundation settling appear plausible to the committee.

sometimes completely inundate these low islands. Although the fiome was
designed to withstand severe storm wave and typhoon activity,
typhoons in this part of the world are so severe t: : a series bf them
conceivably could cause breachment of the dome s%:ucture.
which surrounds the dome on the north and north: is: sides, serves as
the first defense for waves from that direction.
~\* the mole filed
(and was not repaired), the next typhoon could
' wk the key
the containment structure, probably causing ¢:
on the reef sg
in all likelihood would be deposited on or in front of the ring

The ring wall sections (12 feet by 2 feet by 3.5 to 5 feet) each
more than 6 tons, much heavier than are required to resist wavej
and would therefore function as large riprap.
Should the ring


fall be

should the beach ever retreat to the edge of the dome.
However} on the
basis of a recent study of aerial photographs of Runit, Ristvet
believes tiat the 1981 shoreline, which is about 75 feet from the edge

Select target paragraph3