In general, concentrations of radionuclides in all samples


from the dome are low and are comparable to soil and sediment
trations in the northern part of the atoll.
The liquid samples] have

concentrations well below maximum permissible concentrations f

general public for drinking water.



Ristvet, Byron L., Summary of DrillingOperations, DNA, Washing

D.C., 1980.
Robison, W.L., and Noshkin, V.Z. Analysis of Core "Soil" and
Samples from the Cactus Crater Disposal Site at Enewetak Ail,
Report UCID 18935, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore

California, 1981.
U.S. Department of Energy, The Enewetak Atoll Today, DOE, Washifbgton,
D.C., 1979.

Select target paragraph3