of the reef and of the islands is freely permeable to ocean water;
therefore, the craters are an effective connection with the la
the ocean even if they are located within an izland.
Most of the testing was done on the northern part of the a
(See Figure 2 for the number and location of the tests.)
personnel were based in the southern area, and Enewetak Island}


largest in the atoll, accommodated many buildings and an airstfip
capable of handling the largest aircraft.

2.6 References

Kiste, Robert C., "The People of Enewetak Atoll vs. the U.S.
Department of Defense,“ in Ethics and Anthropology, editedi by M.A.

Ryukiewich and J.P. Spradley, pp. 61-80, John Wiley and S
York, 1975.
Morison, Samuel Eliot, History of United States Naval Operati

World War Two, vol. 7, pp. 283~304, Little Brown and Comp

Boston, 1961.
Tobin, Jack A., The Resettlement of the Enewetak People:

A S$

Displaced Community in the Marshall Islands, Ph.D. disser
University of California, Berkeley, 1967.
(Available fr
University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan.)

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