and after severe storms.

Cracking or settling of the panels shoul

be of concern, but breaches in the riprap should be repaired to pr

protection against wave action during storms.


Related Is"tes

The committee was asked that its assessment of the Cactus crat

atructure be "set against an understanding of the expected living

patterns of the people of Enewetak in terms of their cegree of con

with Runit Island and their exposure otherwise to residual radicac
ity on the atoll."


In this regard the committee makes two comment

Runit Island

There is a hazard of uncertain magnitude on Runit Island becau

of the possible presence of plutonium not located and removed duri
the cleanup (a situation unique to Runit), and, for this reason,
has been made off-limits, a status the committee does not dispute.

is likely, however, that the people of Enewetak and others beli


to be off-Limits because of hazards associated with the

containment structure.

The committee therefore emphasizes that i

preted to mean that Runit is thought to be harmless.
It may well
that an important future function of the containment structure wi
to serve as a reminder to everyone that the island is to be avoid
view of the possible presence of plutonium there.
1.2.2 Enjebi Island
It is likely that the Dri-Enjebi sooner or later will resettl

their home islands in the ncrthern part of the atoll.


exposures associated with such a move far exceed any exposures thak

be associated with the dome or with the radioactivity remaining inj
lagoon. Indeed, for people who might live on Enjebi in the near

future, radiation exposures due to strontium-3 oz cesium—-137 in
locally grown foods may become excessive in relation to current U
standards for a general populaticn, especially if food is not
from other islands of the atoll or from outside.



Select target paragraph3