


Rurnit where the dome is located, and possible hazards from fiss
products that may arise if the northern island of Enjebi is re

Although this committee's charge was not expressly directed

hazards associated with the reset*jement of Enjebi, it must be
emphasized that the risks from the consumption of food grown itr
northern islands are high compared with any conceivable risk agising
from rupture of the dome.
The reader of this report will discover that the committee fdepended

heavily on information furnished by government agencies and th@ir con-

Insofar as possible it attempted to assess the quality of
these data and, in one important instance (the drilling prograg#
described in the report), supervised the acquisition of new inFormation
about the quality of the dome's construction and the concentrakions of
radioactivity contained within it.
In its interpretation of pbtential
hazards associated with the dome the committee depended heavi
on data

acquired by groups at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratories led by Vv. E.
Nost‘in and W. L. Robison. Members of the committee reviewed the
sampling and analysis procedures used by these groups. In addition,

all the work on the Enewetak operation done by these groups has been
subjected to critical review by a select panel of experts from other
government laboratories and from universities; much of the woyk also

is published in scientific journals and, thus, aas been subjegted to

peer review there.

‘The Committee therefore is satisfied thatithe

information it has received concerning environmental sampling

analysis, and dose assessment is of high quality.
The Committee on Evaluation of Enewetak Radioactivit

vided extensive information and assistance.
The committee ig] particularly grateful to Thomas Jeffers, Director for Logistics and

of Energy, Las Vegas; Bryon L. Ristv:...
eit! Directorate, Fidgld
Command, DNA, Kirtland Air Force Base, Ne. mexico; William Rabison,
Section Leader, Terrestrial and Atm: oheric Sciences, Envirogment
Sciences Division, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore,
California; Victor Noshkin, Marine Sciences, Environmental §
David Stark, Concrete Materials Research Department, Portlang
Association, Skokie, Illinois.
Robert W. Morse


Select target paragraph3