thyroids was first observed nine years after exposure among these people
1967 fourteen of sixty-eight of the most heavily exposed had develczed n ches wrach
were of sufficient concern to require exploretion. Cne carcinema had bedn
AS a resuit of the survey early in 1969, five more individuals in this pdpulaticn
were found to have developed thyroid masses which we felt should be expldred.


were from the more heavily exposed group on Pengelap atoll, l.e. several fhuncred 77
fourteen hundred rads
estimated dose to the thyroid; and one on Utirik «affil whe ned
probably received 30 rads. These were brought back to the U.S. for s
: peck
at Brookhaven Wational Laboratory. Because of our interest in and labor
of radiated thyroids, the patients were brougnt to our institution in Se
for surgical exploration. Three of the five proved to have lesions of tie
which were malicnant (two Rengelap; one Utirik). One of these had externdive regicrsi
metastases. A fourth patient possessed several nodules, one of which wag very smail
and has prompted serious consideration that this might also be malignant] Autcredicgra:

were immediately prepared in addition to a variety of observations commorfly made cn
tissues from our animals (not %y-thymidine). Several of these thyroids
Had many minut
sclid cellular hyperplastic lesions, none of which took up significant ampbunts cf
radicicdine. Many of the lesions were papillary in structure and suggested papiliary
lesions of multicentric origin. All of these thyroids (except the woman
showed the large bizarre nuclear forms repeatedly observed umder this co

animais and humans that had received 131y,

Mention was made in the past annual report cf a preliminary review

thyroid tissues for evidence of radiaticn effect based primarily on the

the Marshaltss:

Dkzarre muciesr

forms and other subtle changes as observed in rats and human thyroid tisshe.

study has just been completed in a formal manner.


To test the validity of these criteria as evidence of radiation effet, Dr.

Robert Conard of Brookhaven National Laboratory assembled multiple slides] of each
ties, Cr
thyroid of the Marshallese, of some thyroids of Japanese atomic bomb ca


thyroids or the Utah-Nevada children who may have been exposed (menticne


in this report - from Ir. Marvin Rallison) and of miscellaneous unexvosed nodular
thyroids collected from elsewhere in Utah. More than 100 individual slid S, completely

disguised as to identity, were submitted to this writer for review and ap raisal as to

evidence of radiation effect in them. All slides were graded as to posi ve or nezativs
evidence of radiation effect, and where positive, the evidence was furthe graded ona
basis cf +, ++, or +++; + being the slightest evidence and +++ being pren unced evicence.
After individual slides were graded and reported to Dr. Conard, multiple
had come from the same thyroid were grouped together (still as unkncwns)
reappraised. Although in most cases the ratings on several slides fren
individual were similar, it was aopropriate to affix a single rating to e
In no case was the rating changed more than one degree to arrive at a coi
for a given thyroid. Tha results shew that all of the Marsrallese except
identified as having received radiation exposure. Among these was a Mars llese woman
who had Leen exposed and several years later had died of other causes cn
where a post mortem provided the tissue which was free of gross nedularit
of the unexpesed thyroids and a few of the Utah-lievada group were graded
or +. Because of the correlation of the observaticns, Dr. Conard subsequ ntly ontainec
the individual theoretical records of rad dose delivered to the thyroid ( sed on >ady
burden determined scme days after the removal of the Marshallese pecple 7 m Ronge.sp).
The degree cf change attributed to radiation effect in the thyroids preveg to corre ats

in surprisingly precise fashion with the degree of exposure previously Cajculated.


of the Japanese tissues were graded only + or G. Where as sce observers fhave pleced
consideral:le weight of evidence for radiation effect upon the presence cf [lymphocyte]









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Select target paragraph3