7,3 the wavy, 7.4 tne Air corce, and 7.5 the contractors (primarily
from tue firm of uolmes and Narver) and Department of Defense people.
Tae Joint Task Force concept vas one originated for the Able and saker
tests at Bikini Atoll in ly4o and was continued thereafter.

{t had

been proven the most effective and efficient way of combininz technical
Know-now, military and security interests and an equitaple sharing of
the knowledge resulting from such tests.


Upon the shoulders of the

Task Force Commander, and tne heads of the five segments of the Force


rested tie responsibility for tne safety of all personnel and the
successful execution of the tests.
of iarcen 1,

Sometime in tne -arly morning hours

1954, iaformation was received concerning the status of the

suips, personnel and security surrounding 5,000 square wile zone wuicit

extended from 109 15' to 12° 45' north latitude and from 160° 35' to
loo? 1lo' east longitude.

Also received was meteorological information

coucerning wind ana weatuer conditions.
and evaluated,

After all data was received

tiie decision was wade to go anead with the first test of

tue 'Castle" series.

‘the code name for the sleeping giant bottled up

in its steel and concrete womv was "Bravo."
At one minute, or even a few seconds before 06:45 Kilo (local)


on ..arcn 1, 1954, tne tragic events which would follow "Bravo's"
detonation could have been prevented, but incredibly,

the decision was

wade to go aiead, despite
an incomplete and2 Sgnsy
somewhat =:
alarming report

concerning tne winds avove Bikini.*

For ".tike” shot on Enewetok in 1952

availaole wing infomnnation showed winds heading to the west from sea

* See appendix for "ike" and "Bravo" wind direction charts.

Select target paragraph3