irradiation of the gonads, or "sex" cells, there was nearly complete
agreement among all the scientists that there was no threshold, and that
any amount of radiation over normal background levels could induce genetic

and thus cause mutations.

Although the reasan for the dehate centered primarily over the effects
of testing, it is included here because it is necessary for the reader
to understand certain conclusions and recommendations which will follow in
this report,

The committee would like to state that it is biased in favor

of the linear theory, for the reasons which Dr, Pollard and others mentioned,
It draws strength in this stand from the statement of Dr. Lauriston S, Taylor,
Chief of the Atomic and Radiation Physics Division of the National Bureau
of Standards who testified before the U.S. Congressional Subcormittee:

". . « I frequently feel compelled to say that this question
of radiation safety and premissible dosage standards is not a subject
for which there is a clean and simple answer.
The whole question of
setting radiation exposure limits depends on physics and biology,
It depends enormously on ethics and morality, and on an enormous
amount good [sic] judgment and good wisdom on the part of the people
who are responsible for setting them,
It is by no means a clean-cut
quantitative physical problem,"

The Committee thus has made a judgmental decision based on scientific
opinion and evidence and morality.

It is in basic agreement with Dr.

Karl Z,

Morgan of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, who in an article “Standard Man
--Standard Patient" in "Medical Radionuclides:

Radiation Nose and Effects,”

a symposium sponsored by the AEC and the U.S. Public Health Service, said:
"I believe the prudent assumption in administering a radionuclide to
the patient is that all ionizing radiation to the patient_is harmful,
and therefore the physician should carefully weigh the need for a
radioisotope diagnostic procedure or radiation treatment and evaluate the
expected usefulness of the diagnosis or therapy against the possible
radiation damage ..."
(emphasis added)
(94, p, 100)



Select target paragraph3