fission of one pound of uranium bomb material is equivalent to 9,000 tons
(18,000,000 lbs.) of TNT,
On May 7, 1944, the United States detonated 100 tons of TNT at its
Alamago test site in order to approximate--at scale--the possible effects
of the test of a plutonium bomb in July.

On July 16, 1944, at 5:29 a.m.,

"Trinity," the first test of an atomic bomb, took place and was supposedly
equivalent to 5,000 tons of TNT,

This was 50 times as powerful as the May

test, but only one-quarter the yield of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.
The "fusion bomb," or better known as the “hydrogen bomb," works on a
somewhat different principle, although it uses the hasic nuclear force of the
atom as well as a chain reaction,

In fusion, instead of splitting atoms

apart, they are fused, or welded together to produce a chain reaction,


do this requires a huge amount of heat--something in the order of 100 million

Since this high temperature can practically only he reached by

detonation of an atomic bomb, the atomic bomb and fusion process provide
the "trigger" for the fusion process,

The fusion process, which utilizes

hydrogen atoms, results in even a higher energy yield than that of fission:
1 pound of fusion material is equal to 11,000 tons of TNT.

(49 p.


Scientists also discovered that the fusion bomb “wasted” radioactive material


in that it produced a lot of extra neutrons,

They solved this problem with

the addition of another uranium element which the fusion process would use.





Simply put, the fission process triggers a fusion process, which in turn
triggers a final fission process,

This was the basis of the BRAVO device

to be tested at Bikini in March 1954,
In millionths of a second, the fission--or fusion process--is completed
and in thousands of a second a fireball is formed and is generating heat
and shock waves, that will produce destruction in all directions.


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