The following examples give an indication of the range of acute doses
of radiation received by human beings and the treatment given:
Los Alamos - During 1945 ten persons were accidentally exposed to
radiation during two accidents.

One person received 2,000 ©'S and died in

nine days, another received about 600 ¥‘8 and died in twenty-six days, and
a third developed cataracts in both eyes after three years,

The seven other

people apparently recovered,
Windscale - On October 10, 1957, a British nuclear reactor sprayed
radioactive matter

(131) on the nearby countryside,

area was found to be slightly radioactive,

Later, milk in that

No injuries were reported

according to the source of information,

makes radioactive material,

1958, an accident happened at a plant which

It was determined that five men received 236

to 365 RADS and three men from 25 to 100 RADS.

They suffered acute symptoms,

Yugoslavia - An atomic reactor accident near Belgrade,

six men to very high gamma and neutron radiation,



but apparently returned to normal health,



On June 16,


Oak Ridge -

in 1958, exposed

They suffered acute effects

of the radiation and one of them, who received the highest exvosure


figure is not available), was given bone marrow injections but later died.



Four others, who received less, were also given the injections which helped
until their own bone marrow became active again.
without injections,

The sixth person recovered


Expert opinion is divided as to whether bone marrow

injections can help recovery from high exposure,


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