
Associate Director

Bureau of Radiological Health, USPHS
Executive Secretary, Medical Radiation Advisory Committee
Bureau of Radiological Health, USPHS
"Macrocytic Anemia in Association with Esophagitis"; William S. Cole, M.D.;
Clinics of the Virginia Mason Hospital; 16:2:1937.
"Tabes Dorsalis Simulating Disease of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract";
William S. Cole, M.D.; Clinics of the Virginia Mason Hospital;


“The Plasma Proteins Following Partial Hepatectomy"; Alfred Chanutin,
J. C. Hortenstine, and William S. Cole - J. Biol. Chem., p. 123-247,

“Massive Hemorrhage from Péptic Ulcer"; John M. Blackford, M.D., and
William S. Cole, M.D.; Am. J. Dig. Dis.; 6:637:1939.

“Peptic Ulcer: A Review of 1,033 Cases"; John M. Blackford, M.D.,
M. F. Dwyer, M.D., Robert H. Williams, M.D., and William S. Cole, M.D.;
Radiology; 36:217:1941.

"A Manual of Radiation Therapy"; William S. Cole, M.D.; Mayo Clinic
Press, Rochester, Minnesota, 1949.

“Carcinoma of the Larynx Occurring in a Patient Receiving Therapeutic
Doses of I-131"; E. R. King, M.D., William S. Cole, M.D., Alec
Horwitz, M.D., Calvin T. Klopp, M.D.; Archives of Otolaryngology;
59:333; March 1954.

“Opportunities and Problems in the Clinic Practice of Radiology”;
American College of Radiology Workshop, Washington, D.C., Nov. 13, 1965.

“Aggressive Approach to Metastatic Testicular Teratocarcinoma”;

Theodore H. Wilson, Capt. MC-USN; David P. Osborne, Capt. MC-USN,
William S. Cole, M.D.; The Journal of Urology, Vol. 96, August 1966.

"The Judicious Use of Radiation in the Healing Arts"; William S. Cole, M.D.;
(Presentation at APHA, November 1968).

Vol, 59, No, 7, July 1969,


American Journal of Public Health,

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