a written statement in Marshallese of their yeneral findings from 1972
and 1973.

Upon the publication of the booklets for exposed,


of exposed and control persons, which hopefully will be ready by the
March, 1974, survey, these written comments in Marshallese will be included in the booklets.

The Trust Territory Governnent


The Committee recommends that the Trust Territory Government

construct, on municival land after consultation with the people, a dispensary and other dual purpose buildings such as classroons, which +7ill
enable the inedical survey team to house all of its equipment and persannel and in which to perform tneir examinations.

The cost of such shall

be borne by the Atomic Lnergy Commission.

In connection with this recommendation, the Committee noted the

deteriorating condition of a former observation tower at the Radsafe site.
The Committee recormends that Public works personnel, after consultation
with the landowner, dismantle said tower before it collapses and injures
one of the inhabitants of the island.

In conjunction with the AEC and Brookhaven, it is recommended

that the Trust Territory Department of Health Services formulate an education program which will satisfactorily explain to the Rongelapese and
Utirikese the circumstances of their exnosure and illnesses.

It should

be thorough and should be conducted for as long as it takes to satisfy
the curiosity of the people involved,
not asked of the BNL team every year.

so that the same questions are
It should also include the Fact

which the Committee has keen made aware of by Dr. Darling, various Jananese

experts, and testimony in the U.S. Congressional hearings, that such


Select target paragraph3