Atomic Enerqy Commission


The Committee believes that because of psychological implications,

new thyroid nodule findings, and the unorecedented case of leukemia,


strongly recommends that the AEC recruit and fund


a doctor like Dr.

on a one or two year contract basis to visit the Rongelapese and Utirikese
The Committee has heen

advised that finding someone to do this is very difficult.

believes this is not a valid consideration.

The Committee

The former Surgeon General of


during the time between the yearly examinations.

the Committee does not believe that the matter of funding should

stand in the way of this proposal since the AEC's annual budget exceeds by
several times the annual budget for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.



12,000 of them in professional occupations.


has about 40,000 emplovees,


the United States informed the Committee that the U.S, Public Health Service

the Department of the Interior and the Trust Territory Government,


Arrangements for such a service on a continuing hasis can be made through

fulfille-which the Committee doubts--thne Committee then would favor the
recommendation of two of its consultants to nave a hos;ital ship visit the
island regularly,


the cost of which would also he borne by the AFC.

It is also recommended by the Committee tat the Atomic Fnergy

Coinmission turovide funds in addition to reqular Grant Funds for any new
nespital facility on Majuro and Ebeyve for the purposes of constructing
additional roons and providing cquinment particularly relevant to the
examinations of the Ponrelanese and Utirilese.
The Committee further recommends that the Atomic Fnergy Cormission

its funding under contractual obliqations


to brookhaven National


As an alternate rropesal, should the above vrorosal be impossible to

Select target paragraph3