
and did not discourage him,

‘These roints noted,

like to commend the executive branch,
Deputy High Commissioner Teter T.

tre Cormittee «ould also

includine High Commissioner Johnston,

Coleman, Dr. Gillian Peck and Dr,


Kumangai for their excellent cooperation, helr and assistance to the
Committee since its creation.
The Committee would like to make one last point before proceeding
to the recommendations,

which :.as oftentimes clouded the issuc connected

with the people of Poncelar and Utiril..

This is the often heard complaint

or charge by persons in the Administration or v-ersons connected with the
annual survevs

that it is unfortunate that political issues are bheincd

injected into what is a rurely redical and scientific matter.
does not agree with this attitude.

The Committee

The Committee would like to remind those

who hold this attitude of the origins and connotations of

The original Greek root trord and suffix,

the wor@ "rolitical,"

and the present dav connotations of

the word"politic"relate to the citizens of a governmental state and the
enforcement of lavs and regulations for their benefit.

A political action

is any action which takes place in the public realm of the polis,


virtually any action is a rolitical action which affects or influences
other people.

In a more general sense then, by both strict definition

and wecause of other considerations, the annual surveys are volitical


it vertains

to the S;ecial Joint Committee or the elected

representatives of the Roncelapese and Utirikese, their actions have heen
committed in the interest of their constituents with the intent of improving
their health and welfare.


Certain actions of the Administration,

in the

appear to be more defensive and retaliator.’ in nature and

more concerned with the image of the Trust Territory Covernment than they


Select target paragraph3