perplexing problems,

In Japan today, there are numerous facilities


agreement, the fact of the matter is that they belie difficult and

these facilities are Japanese citizens,

On Rongelap the people

receive an extensive examination once a year, by Americans assisted
by a Micronesian medical staff and hear no more about their examinations until the next year.
Originally, the people exposed generally understood what was
being done for them and why.

There was no need to explain that the

bomb had affected them when they could see for themselves the skin
ulcerations and hair falling out, or feel the weakness, nausea, and

they are healthy, but that they just want to check to see if everything is still alright.
cess is repeated,

Then they go away,

The next year the pro-

Why, the people have reasoned, if we are healthy,



tion of the vast lack of understanding by the people involved as to


This attitude, is a small indica-

just what did happen to them, and what the possible consequences of


does the team return every year?


Every year the team comes and the doctors tell them that



However, as the examinations continued the people became




Japanese and the English languages and almost all of the staff at


Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission publishes annual reports in both


Also, in Japan, the


can easily reach almost any time they choose,


existing for the specific care of A~bomb victims, which the people

their exposure are,

While the Committee realizes that the area of radiation, as

applied to physical health, is a highly complicated and sophisticated
subject which would require some effort and expense to translate into


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