"11.149 Valuable information concerning the development and healing of
beta burns has been obtained from observations of the Marshall Islanders

who were exposed to fallout in March 1954... .

Although the fallout

was observed as a white powder, consisting largely of particles of lime
(calcium oxide) resulting from the decomposition of coral (calcium
carbonate) by heat, the island inhabitants did not realize its significance,
(94, p, 602)
(emphasis added)

Evacuation Times

A further interesting factor is that despite the fact that according to
reports the extent and direction of the fallout soon became known, only the 28
Americans on Rongerik were picked up one day after the fallout.

pick up people from all three islands at once immediately after the detonation
might have exposed crew members of the ships to dangerous radioactivity, it can


While it may be argued that attempting t<


the people of Utirik were aboard ship.

Three days after the detonation,


the explosion, the Rongelapese were evacuated.

Two days after

ee |


Levels of Awareness, Degrees of Injury


Decontamination aboard ship could have prevented serious exposure.




also be argued that the areas of heavy fallout were known and could have beer.


Notwithstanding this, it is difficult to this day to understand why it was
that the people of Rongelap and the Americans were not evacuated at the same time,
one day after, when the fallout had ceased,

This is an especially valid question

since the Americans would fare better than the Marshallese because of certain

Dr. Dunning, before the U.S. Congressional subcommittee, described the


situation for the Rongelapese and Utirikese:


Some bathed during the two-day


“The Marshallese were semiclothed, had moist skin, and most of them were

out-of-doors during the time of fallout.


"Most of the Americans who were more aware of the danger of the fallout,
took shelter in aluminum buildings, bathed and changed clothes and
consequently developed very mild beta lesions."
(p. 35)


In the 1956 AEC report it was noted that:



Select target paragraph3