and later under a strategic trusteeship).

Originally Bikini was used to test the effects of atomic weapons on
Later, as more

information was compiled, tests were carried out in Nevada,

The Pacific

Proving Ground, as it was known, was later reserved for an even more important
role, that of being a test area for the first hydrogen devices,


naval vessels or the effects over, on, or below the ocean.

As noted by

Dr. Gordon M, Dunning of the Division of Biology and Science of the AEC during

ever tested on or near the continental United States.

All thermonuclear weapons

were either tested in or above the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

Public Relations and Safety Teams

Testing in Nevada was accompanied by intensive public relations work
by the AEC and meteorological surveys.

During the hearings in the U.S. Congress,

Dr. Dunning described some of the public relations work carried out:

“The off-site monitoring program during Operation Plumbob (Spring 1957)
illustrates the extensive system organized not only to take numerous
radiological measurements but also to provide close liaison with the

citizens of nearby communities.
The Atomic Energy Commission and the
United States Public Health Service jointly organized a program wherein
the areas around the test site are mapped out into 17 zones.
A technically
qualified man has been assigned to live in each zone.
His duties consist
not only of normal monitoring activities but also, prior to and during the
text series, of learning the communities and families in his zone, to know

the people and having them know him.
In addition to the 17 zone commanders,
as they are called, there are 8 mobile monitoring teams on call to go to
any locality to assist if needed to travel to areas outside the 17 zones."
The public relations work in these communities involved public discussions
and showing of films

(for more detailed information, see Appendix No. 6).

Information from the AEC in the 1957 hearings notes that "Practically every



devices are tested at Nevada" (02, 1. 1).No weapons in the megaton range were


only small nuclear


of course,




the radioactive fallout off the test site.

Ing ven


"Several measures have been used to reduce

Congressional hearings in 1957:

Select target paragraph3