measured in kilo electron volts, or kev.

On Rongelap there were found three

major "energy regions," of 100, 700, and 1500 kev.

That is, within the

fallout on the ground there were particles which were being emitted in these
three general regions (levels) of strength.
Fallout Samples
A third source of

information upon which would be based whole-body doses,

was actual fallout material.
(incinerated coral)

By studying the radioactive calcium oxide

scientists determined the mixture of different

elements and their energies.



it is interesting to note that the

doses calculated for all the exposed persons, according to the 1956 report by

the AEC, "came from fallout samples taken soon after the detonation at points




some distance from the contaminated atolls.’


Why the samples were not

collected from the islands on which the people were exposed was not explained.
One of the important factors in calculating the amount of radiation
exposure is the length of time of the fallout


could be estimated was from the reading on Rongerik, and personal eyewitness
estimates of time.








Based on the early and later readings at Rongerik,

it appeared that the

period of fallout was about 16 hours, or, a long fallout.

However, other

including reports of persons who saw the fallout,

it was shorter than 16 hours and that it ended early.

indicated that

A long fallout also

conflicted with readings taken later.


or not

the result would be nearly the same,

the fallout was long, or short,

since in a short
length of

time as


it was concluded that whether

the heavier material would descend during the same

it would during a


The only way this



Im other words,

the heaviest

Select target paragraph3